Monday, December 22, 2008

Getting to know me - tag by Tikuli

Tikuli tagged me on this on ;-)

The age you will be on your next birthday - All of 45 in March 2009

A place I would like to visit - Leh, Laddakh 

My favorite place - Home, sweet home!

Favorite food - Anything, provided it doesn't move in my plate!

Favorite drink - Vodka

Favorite pet - Dogs

Favorite colour combination - sky blue/carbon blue

Favorite piece of clothing - cotton shirts

All time favorite song - Oh! I love so many songs... can't say which one...

Favorite TV Show - Currently Prithvi Raj Chauhan

Town in which I live - Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India

Screen name - I prefer my name please...

First job - Registrar in Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram, Wardha, Maharashtra, India.

My dream job - Nature/wildlife reporter (provided I'm paid well)

Bad habit - Waking up everyone as soon as I wake up.

My worst fear - Losing someone precious!

The one thing you’d like to do before you die - Apologize to those who may have been hurt by
 things that I did when I was younger (and brash)...

The first thing you will buy if you get $1,000,000 - Stocks (with the market as low as of now)

I don't tag anyone this time...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

On all fours - tagged by Ritu

Tagged by Ritu

4 places I go to over and over again

1 Kanha National Park
2 Bandhavgarh National Park
3 Pench National Park
4 Bombay (Mumbai)

(Yeah! You guessed right, I'm a wildlife freak! Of course that has nothing to do with Bombay, thats where my favorite maternal relatives live :-D)

4 people who mail me regularly

1 Jaspal
2 Asha (my wife)
3 Aparna (my sis)
4 Nandu mama (maternal uncle)

4 of my favorite places to eat

1 Home
2 Chinese restaurant (any good one)
3 Tandoor joint (any good one)
4 Sea food joint (any good one)

(Not in that particular order :-D)

4 places I’d rather be now

1 On a flight to Mars
2 On a luxury cruise surrounded by (heh heh)...
3 Home (I'm at work right now :-D)
4 Bombay

4 favorite TV shows

1 Who's line is it anyway
2 America's funniest home videos
3 Gunisses Book of World Records
4 Prithviraj Chauhan

4 Movies I could Watch again and again

1 Macenna's Gold
2 Guns of Navarone
3 Terence Hill/Bud Spencer movies or even the more sober Westerns
4 Carry on series :-D

I would like to tag these people

1 Dr Aparna Bagwe
2 Tikuli
3 Ashvina
4 Jogesh

Monday, December 1, 2008


It was a lovely summer evening, the crimson sun had just set and I was there in the jungle by the forest lodge overlooking a melodious rivulet that I loved so much. Nothing feels as good as the evening breeze that rushes through old undisturbed trees and grasses as tall as little children swaying and playing to the wind... bringing in a whiff of that very smell of nature that we have forgotten living in the concrete jungle built by us.

Nearly a forgotten pleasure to be an audience here, standing silently and hearing the trees talk to their friends and the crickets gossip while a lone distant wolf declares his importance! Oh! I could stand there all night and just listen to the jungle... there is nothing that pleases me more!

It was then that I felt a gentle nudge, it was more of a feeling of someone passing by. Very close indeed, enough to make me reflexly balance myself! Though I'm sure I would not have fallen. And it was as if all the flora and fauna around me had suddenly stopped to look at this little "accident". The sudden silence was chilling!

And then after a few baited seconds, the symphony of nature began humming its tune again, completely forgiving contact by mischance between man and spirit...


(this being the second and final brush that I had with "spirits" click here for the first)