Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Revelations ;-)

Ritu tagged me into forcing out 5 innermost secrets, cloaking them in intravenous injections called OCD's, of course she hoped I wouldn't know what OCD's are about ;-)

Its so tough to discover hidden obsessions now that I'm down to penning them... so lets see... ;-)

1. My things gotta be where I left them last - I really don't understand why my table has to be tidy, neat and clean. My reasoning is simple, if I need something it has to be there in front of me! I just hate it when my things are "misplaced" under the cloak of tidying things up! ;-) My idea of tidiness is keeping things in geometric symmetry, I don't care if it looks askew to you :-P

2. I just hate it when people ask a question and don't wait for the answer! And its worse when people give the answer themselves, especially I have my brain aligned for the answer :-D

3. My breakfast has to be on time. I detest going out and being served late breakfast. Of course it can't be earlier, cause I have my breakfast at 8 am!

4. When I gotta take you out at 9 pm you all gotta be ready by 8:55 pm... man... I just detest being held up for the sake of a tangential "pallu" or that last minute change in nail polish! Worse - when the sari doesn't seem to match the occasion at the last moment... aaaargh! :-X

5. My idea of relaxing, yeah! People have laughed at it before - absolute solitude! I'd prefer to be in the middle of a jungle playing naughts and crosses alone! :-D (I wouldn't mind a laptop and unlimited Internet connection though)